A Story Of Self Satisfaction

     Do not do wrong for self satisfaction

 Once a person was sleeping under a tree,  he saw  a snake that was flying and sat on the tree. The man was very scared, he felt that it would bite me, what should I do? He was also looking at the person, he thought he would kill me, then the man  leave from there so that it would not bite him. 

 The he started going in fear and then the snake was flying.  Due to which the man died with fear, the man's house became very upset that why the man had not came home yet, then his elder boy Ramesh went towards the forest in search of his father, then he saw  his father ,  lying down, he looked near and saw that he felt that his father was dead and he was really dead.

 Then started crying and shouting that my father was dead, my father was dead.  Ramesh was crying when his father was dead, seeing his pain, that snake produced a pity, then he thought that why don't I kill this child so that I will not hurt anyone, then he killed that child.  When his son and younger son came to the forest looking for him, then he started crying, then the snake killed him.

 The father's mother and his wife also came, and the snake bitten them too.  The snake was going to be the worst worker, all the villagers came together and when that snake came flying and killed all the villagers, then that snake killed the whole village for their self satisfaction.

 This story teaches us that we should not do bad deeds for our self gratification, we should not do evil to anyone so that he is harmed, he is in pain, no one should make fun of us or our self-satisfaction  For he should not be harmed.
  Thank you


  1. Nice.....keep it up with such meaningful thoughts and stories


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